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Looking to get health and wellness news delivered straight to your inbox? Wish you could get a trusted, weekly dose of advice from medical doctors and specialists at a top national hospital?
Well, your search ends here: Subscribe to the Michigan Health blog's e-newsletter to join over 11,000 others in getting your weekly dose of health news and wellness updates delivered directly to your email.
Since Michigan Medicine's Michigan Health and Michigan Health Lab blogs launched, the two platforms have published a combined total of over 3,500 articles to date.
With almost 500 articles published since 2020 alone on the Michigan Health blog, interviewing Michigan Medicine doctors, pharmacists, nurses, patients, and others, there's endless to learn.
The Michigan Health e-newsletter is the reliable source to get updates on all things health. Whether you're interested in reading about a variety of treatments and personal medical stories from patients, getting up-to-date wellness tips from specialists, or receiving advice about navigating the COVID-19 pandemic or more, the weekly e-newsletter shares it all. The Michigan Health blog is where readers can find information and support for managing health conditions, caring for loved ones and/or simply seeking to live well.,
"We draw on the amazing expertise of our Michigan Medicine experts: doctors, nurses, researchers and caregivers from all aspects of health care," said Mary Masson, director of public relations in the Department of Communication at Michigan Medicine. "Our articles provide news you can use, cover trending topics in healthcare and provide great advice for managing or preventing disease. It's like a magazine for your healthcare interest, based on reliable trusted information from the University of Michigan."
Recent articles include the latest COVID-19 vaccine recommendations, how to live with arthritis pain, an introduction to rehabilitation psychologists, one young woman's almost missed colorectal cancer diagnosis at 35, and much, much more.
Want weekly breaking research and innovation news in your inbox, too?
Subscribe to the Michigan Health Lab blog's e-newsletter to join thousands of others in getting your weekly fill of science and innovation updates delivered directly to your email. With over 300 articles in 2021 alone, Michigan Medicine doctors, pharmacists, nurses, medical students and more, there's unlimited knowledge to share.
It's like a magazine for your healthcare interest, based on reliable trusted information from the University of Michigan.Mary Masson
Recent articles from Michigan Health Lab include how half of older adults now die with a dementia diagnosis, how fire and police responders are associated with higher cardiac arrest survival rates, how a microneedle is showing promise for combatting peanut allergies in mice, digging into how well vaccine boosters work and so much more.
Like podcasts, too?
Based on the Michigan Health and Michigan Health Lab blog stories, the Michigan Medicine News Break podcast provides short audio recordings of these articles, spanning from research breakthroughs and insights into the future of health care, to inspiring patient and expert stories to health tips and more.
You can listen to the Michigan Medicine News Break wherever you find your podcasts. You can also find audio players embedded underneath the main image of each page of many blog articles.
Like Podcasts? Add the Michigan Medicine News Break on iTunes, Google Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Explore a variety of health care news & stories by visiting the Health Lab home page for more articles.
Department of Communication at Michigan Medicine
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