More articles about: Allergies
brown tick on leaf
Health Lab
Tick-borne red meat allergy prevented in mice through nanoparticle treatment
Nanoparticles delivered intravenously in mice can block the allergic reactions to red meat caused by the bite of the lone star tick, research shows.
Three hands with two medical bands having the words penicillin allergy disappearing.
Health Lab
Are you still allergic to penicillin?
A new program is finding many diagnosed in childhood with antibiotic allergies are no longer allergic after retesting
zoom call livestream asthma doctors
Health Lab
Living better with severe asthma and allergy
Two physicians and a patient discuss how to improve control of asthma and allergy symptoms—and how to advocate for treatment.
toddler boy touching purple flower with bee on it in field
Health Lab
Bone Marrow Disorder Nearly 10-Times More Common in Those with Venom Allergy
It started as a quality assurance project by allergy residents. It became the most comprehensive venom allergy study in the country.
Michigan health 2020 image
Health Lab
The Michigan Health Blog’s 20 for 2020
The most read stories of 2019 on the Michigan Health blog.
Health Lab
Why High Blood Pressure and Cold Meds Don’t Mix
Decongestants can pose a dangerous risk to people with hypertension. Try these other steps to safely treat a cold or flu.
photo of Andrew Ayala
Health Lab
First Oral Immunotherapy for Peanut Allergy Gets Closer to FDA Vote
An 11-year-old boy’s enrollment in a U-M clinical trial for peanut allergy treatment suggests graduated doses of peanut protein powder could help protect allergic children.
Health Lab
What Parents Should Know About Giving Allergy Medication to Children
Learn how to treat your child's seasonal allergy symptoms, including tips for giving allergy medication to kids, from the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital.
Medicine at Michigan
Making Health
A team of interdisciplinary collaborators at the U-M is creating a culture where patients, caregivers and the community participate in the design of health systems, tools and technologies.