More articles about: Cardiovascular: Preventive Cardiology
Health Lab
COVID and the Heart
What clinicians want you and your loved ones to know.
parents holding baby in hospital wheelchair
Health Lab
Heart Failure, Pregnancy and a Specialized Approach
A patient with advanced heart failure gives birth to a healthy baby thanks to Michigan Medicine’s Cardio-Obstetrics Program.
Pink Glycogen under microscope
Health Lab
New Study Suggests Excess Glycogen May Cause Metabolic Syndrome
A team explores the possible association between human genetic variants and liver attenuation that may also indicate a new pathway for lowering triglycerides and cholesterol.
Health Lab
Cholesterol: The Good, the Bad and What to Do About It
A cardiology specialist weighs on what you need to know.
Stethscope and pills
Health Lab
Study: Treatable Cause of High Blood Pressure Often Ignored
People whose blood pressure is hard to control might have another condition that’s the real culprit. So why aren’t they being tested for primary aldosteronism?
image of drawing of gene in blue ink on lined paper with lab note written on bottom right
Health Lab
New Gene Target Could Improve Cholesterol Without Harming the Liver
Preclinical study identifies possible therapeutic target for cardiovascular risk factors that avoid the common problem of an increased risk of fatty liver disease.
drawing in blue ink on notepad of a heart with lab note written bottom right in yellow and blue
Health Lab
Metabolism in Young Adulthood Predicts Cardiovascular Disease Later On
New findings give reason to pay attention to metabolic dysfunction well before middle age.
Cardiac rehab 2
Health Lab
The World of Cardiac Rehab: An Insider’s Perspective
With the cardiac rehab clinic now open following the COVID-19 shutdown, one participant shares her thoughts on its benefits and the value of patient camaraderie.
Couple with masks
Health Lab
Cardiac Rehab at Home Helps Patient During COVID-19 Pandemic
Adapting to life after heart surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic requires another adaptation for some patients: completing cardiac rehab at home.
Elderly women exercise with hand weights
Health Lab
Cardiac Rehab Motivation in the Midst of COVID-19
If you’re a heart patient in need of cardiac rehab, a Michigan Medicine exercise physiologist helps you stay motivated at home with creative workout ideas.     
Women doing light weight training rehab
Health Lab
5 Reasons to Embrace At-Home Cardiac Rehab
Your in-person cardiac rehabilitation program might be suspended for now, but that’s no reason you can’t work out at home. Find out why being your own personal coach is more important now than ever. 
stethoscope drawing
Health Lab
Women Underrepresented on Cardiology Editorial Boards
Major U.S. and European cardiology journals lack female leadership, study shows.
heart shaped bowl with fruits and vegetables
Health Lab
5 Eating Tips for a Healthy Heart
Taking care of your heart by eating healthy isn’t so hard once you understand what it all means. A nutritionist explains.
Digital agreement hippa apps
Health Lab
Big Data Advances Research, But It Shouldn’t Do So at the Cost of Privacy
Health data collected from apps or wearable devices could revolutionize personalized healthcare, but the lack of legal protections related to this technology could lead to personal health information becoming available to unscrupulous third parties.
Doctor looking down at patient from above through a large, red microscope
Health Lab
Heart Attack Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment Get Fewer Treatments
Study suggests those with mild cognitive impairment don’t always receive the same medical treatment that patients with normal cognitive functioning get when they have a heart attack.