More articles about: Cardiovascular: Preventive Cardiology
obesity scale
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BMI Over Time Beats Genetics in Predicting Future Obesity
Genetic testing as a determinant of future obesity is not as effective as tracking a patient’s BMI over time, a new study finds.
Michigan health labs image
Health Lab
Michigan Health Lab's 20 for 2020
The most read stories of 2019 on the Michigan Health Lab blog.
Doctor speaking with colleagues image
Health Lab
Can Kids with Heart Disease Play Sports?
Providers used to be restrictive in allowing pediatric congenital heart disease patients to exercise. Now, experts say that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case.
Plate with food on only one third
Health Lab
Intermittent Fasting: Is it Right for You?
Michigan Medicine dietician Sue Ryskamp answers common questions about the intermittent fasting diet.
Health Lab
Why High Blood Pressure and Cold Meds Don’t Mix
Decongestants can pose a dangerous risk to people with hypertension. Try these other steps to safely treat a cold or flu.
Health Lab
Which Blood Thinner Is Right for You?
A U-M cardiologist weighs the pros and cons of anticoagulant medication for atrial fibrillation patients.
Health Lab
Two Ways to Reduce Blood Thinner Risks That Lead to GI Bleeding
A new paper identifies strategies that providers might use to help their patients better balance the risks and benefits of anticoagulants.
Anatomy of heart beating
Health Lab
Anatomy of a Human Heart
Your heart does a lot of work to keep the body going. Learn about the organ’s amazing power and the functions of its many parts.
Health Lab
An Expert Shares Tips for a Heart-Healthy Workout
Learn how a Michigan Medicine physician assistant changed the course of his health by making exercise a daily must. 
Health Lab
It’s Now OK to Perform CPR on People with Ventricular Assist Devices
New evidence shows CPR gives VAD patients in cardiac arrest a higher chance of survival. Previously CPR on patients with a ventricular assist device was discouraged.
Health Lab
Study: Apixaban Blood Thinner May Be Safer for Dialysis Patients with Afib
A specific type of blood thinner may be a safer choice for reducing stroke risk in those who have both end-stage kidney disease and atrial fibrillation, a new study finds.
Health Lab
Wellness Program Takes Patient from Fearful to Physical Fitness Fanatic
Wellness Program Takes Patient from Fearful to Physical Fitness Fanatic
Health Lab
'Healthier and Stronger': Metabolic Fitness Program Patient Makes Big Change
A Michigan Medicine program helps patients diagnosed with multiple health conditions improve their diet, fitness and mental health.
Health Lab
Research vs. Clinical Genetic Testing: Clearing Up Confusion
Patients often mistake one type of genetic testing for the other. Find out the differences — and benefits — of each.
Health Lab
Remember Your Heart, the Unsung Hero in Your Chest
Your heart works hard to keep you healthy, but when is the last time you gave it a second thought? Discover the importance of heart healthy habits, from Michigan Medicine.