More articles about: Cirrhosis of the Liver
Liver with hepatitis viruses
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New Hepatitis B Screening Recommendations Announced by The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
A hepatologist comments on the new USPSTF guidelines for detecting hepatitis B in non-pregnant adults and adolescents. 
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Reversing Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease with Food
We know the Mediterranean diet is recommended for heart health and can help control inflammation, but coupled with exercise, it can also reverse NAFLD.
Family portrait in the woods
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Three Diseases, One Cure
One liver transplant cured a patient of three chronic conditions: liver cancer, hepatitis C and hemophilia.
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New Clinic Promotes Shared Care to Treat Alcohol-Related Liver Disease
The facility offers multiple types of medical care, all under one roof — and during the same appointment. Learn more about the unique treatment model.
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Why Shame Keeps Patients from Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment
Fear of public embarrassment and career repercussions prevent many from seeking help, a new study finds. Experts discuss how to break the cycle.
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Doctors Are Seeing More Alcoholic Liver Disease in Young Adults
Alcohol use disorders have also increased over the last decade, with an 80 percent spike among women.
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Many Patients Diagnosed with ALD Struggle to Quit Drinking
A new study looks at the misconceptions, preferences and barriers keeping many ALD patients from alcohol abstinence.
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Many Popular Dietary Supplements Can Yield Dangerous Liver Results
A recent paper from two U-M hepatologists highlights the liver dangers associated with consuming some herbal and dietary supplements designed to build muscle or lose weight.
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How ‘Dry January’ Benefits Your Mind and Body
A month without alcohol offers a chance to examine drinking habits and recoup from the damaging effects of beer, wine and liquor. As Dry January becomes a popular trend worldwide, explore the health benefits of quitting alcohol to kick off the New Year.
Image of liver scans
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New NCI-Funded Program Targets Early Detection of Liver Cancer
A cutting-edge imaging strategy could significantly improve survival rates among patients at risk for liver cancer.
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Spike in Hep C Infections Mutes Thrill of Recent Cure
Hepatitis C rates have surged in the U.S. as drug use and opioid abuse have risen. A Michigan Medicine hepatologist reflects on the troubling trend.
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Alcohol-Related Cirrhosis Deaths Skyrocket in Young Adults
Rapid rise in liver deaths highlights new challenges in treatment and prevention despite gains in fighting hepatitis C, researchers say.
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Saved by a Liver Transplant, Former Soccer Player Looks Forward
After a lifetime of struggle, Edwen Lopez faced his biggest challenge: receiving a liver transplant. A Michigan Medicine transplant team was ready to help him win. 
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Study: Alcohol-Related Cirrhosis Patients are Sicker, Costlier and Often Female
A new review of private insurance data finds that alcohol is a major contributor to cirrhosis cases — and that women drinkers are disproportionately affected.
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Taking Hepatic Encephalopathy Screening to a Larger Patient Population
A new review suggests it’s time to road test the point-of-care screening tools doctors use to identify brain dysfunction in patients with advanced liver disease.