More articles about: Mental Health Assessment
Breaking Down Mental Health
Breaking Down Mental Health
Human Trafficking 101
In this episode, define the different types of human trafficking and identify those at risk of being trafficked.
woman in dark room holding head window blinds shadow on her
Health Lab
Depression too often gets deemed ‘hard to treat’ when medication falls short
A diagnosis of treatment-resistant depression can lead to a sense of hopelessness and despair in some patients, researchers say.
Breaking Down Mental Health
Breaking Down Mental Health
Capacity Assessments
In this episode, define what is a capacity assessment and determine what clinical situations a capacity assessment is appropriate.
Breaking Down Mental Health
Breaking Down Mental Health
Basic Coping Skills
In this episode, learn to appraise coping strategies to utilize with youth experiencing a psychiatric crisis
Breaking Down Mental Health on blue background and text inside a yellow head graphic
Breaking Down Mental Health
Aggression Management – Pharmacological Interventions
In this episode, learn to identify medications to utilize when a patient is agitated and reflect on situations when medication is indicated to address agitation.
woman sitting on couch stripped shirt
Health Lab
Loneliness is down, but still high, among older adults
Older adults are less likely to feel isolated now than at the height of the pandemic, but levels of loneliness are still high.
Health Lab
How depression, burnout impact your heart health
Michigan Medicine experts discuss the links between mental health and cardiovascular health
pediatrician talking with mother at exam questions
Health Lab
Checklist for the checkup: Some parents may not be making the most of well child visits
While many parents keep recommended well visits with their child’s primary provider, some may consider more proactive steps to make checkups as productive as possible
pregnant stomach with yellow dots and blue undertone lab note
Health Lab
Few pregnant people who died of overdose, suicide in Michigan received proper treatment before death
A review of maternal deaths suggests most individuals had documented behavioral health conditions but only one-third received appropriate pharmacologic treatment before death
doctor talking to patient in clinic with blue shirt
Health Lab
For antiphospholipid syndrome patients, lab results don’t always paint the full picture
Patients with APS have concerns about their ability to function normally, even when their blood work and clinical visits appear normal.
Girl looking in mirror reading ugly, pimples and bad hair
Health Lab
Fighting negative body image issues in kids and teens
2 in 3 parents say their child is self-conscious about their appearance. 5 ways to nurture positive self-image and confidence in young people.
young girl hugging her mother backpack
Health Lab
Does your child have anxiety?
Experts explain when to worry and how to talk about it with your kids.
woman sitting on bed blue shirt white sheets wall
Health Lab
Study provides first evidence of link between opioid use disorder, chronic pain
This first-of-its-kind study explores central sensitization.
Doctor with head on desk in office lab coat hanging orange background
Health Lab
The history of physician burnout
A second-year medical student traces the origins of physician exhaustion and proposes several innovative solutions to the pervasive problem.
pregnancy lab notes
Health Lab
Stress, depression may be linked to harmful inflammation in Black pregnant women 
Study suggests Black pregnant individuals are more exposed to chronic social stressors that may increase their risk for negative health outcomes, racial disparities.