More articles about: Mental Health Assessment
Woman floating in wine bottle in ocean
Health Lab
Is it time to change your drinking habits?
A psychiatrist discusses the barriers to seeking help for alcohol use disorder and how to overcome them. 
man scrubs holding hands over face sad through door
Health Lab
Studies show special mental health risks for certain groups of new doctors
First-year surgery residents, and first-year medical residents in all fields who are members of sexual minorities such as LGBTQ+, are more likely than others to develop depression during the stressful training period.
woman standing sad in black and white pregnant and covid cells floating around
Health Lab
A third of new moms had postpartum depression during early COVID
Postpartum depression and anxiety have increased in the time of COVID. New studies show the care gaps and surprising silver linings that emerged for people who gave birth during the early days of the pandemic.
health care worker leaning over to talk to pregnant women in mask sitting
Health Lab
Maternity health care workers expressed anguish, questioned roles early in pandemic
An analysis found nurses, physicians and midwives alike held complex emotions about how COVID-19 has impacted their work. 
mental health depression teen purple
Health Lab
Kids, teens and mental health: Parents report challenges in screening, getting care
Mental health services can be difficult to access for adults in the United States, and when it comes to kids and teens, a recent poll finds parents face barriers in getting their children the help they need. 
teen collage memorial photos life
Health Lab
What comes after
A devastating loss sparked the creation of a supportive safe place for those dealing with mental health issues.
dark gun pistol on ground in dark room
Health Lab
Community violence, views of police drive youth firearm carriage
Over 65% of all violence-related deaths among kids and young adults across the country are caused by firearms.
spine drawing lab notes
Health Lab
Mental health is an issue for people with spinal cord injury. Chronic pain makes it worse
Spinal cord injury can negatively impact mental health, but new findings show that chronic pain can make anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions worse for people living with spinal cord injury.
Health Lab
Overcoming alcohol-related liver disease
Alcohol-related liver disease is becoming more common in younger people, as 38-year-old Sara Nabors learned first-hand. Through innovative care from Michigan Medicine experts, she has taken her life back.
doctor and doctor talking about a teen depressed over computers
Health Lab
A lifeline for primary care amid a crisis in youth mental health
Psychiatrists offer a lifeline for doctors and other providers offering mental health care in primary care settings for children, teens, young adults, pregnant women and new mothers.
child silhouette rain cloud shadow
Health Lab
Risk of PTSD, anxiety, loneliness after COVID-19 hospitalization
Research finds COVID-19 associated with mental health problems after discharge, with majority not recognizing significant symptoms as a concern.
Pregnant woman holding her stomach looking down, surrounded by blue spirals
Health Lab
Depression, anxiety may be linked to c-section risk among pregnant women
Study sheds light on relationship between perinatal mood and anxiety disorders and first time cesarian delivery among pregnant women.
Girl next to her parents covering ears with her hands
Health Lab
Taking the pain out of unexplained physical symptoms in kids
How pediatric teams are working to improve diagnosis and treatment of somatic symptom and related disorders in the hospital setting.
brain colorful drawing active symbols represented inside on white background
Health Lab
A game-changer for mental health: Sports icons open up
Olympic sports stars speaking up about depression, anxiety and mental health challenges, reducing stigma and helping younger athletes know how and when to seek help.
young man in red shirt smiling standing in kitchen
Health Lab
ECT: The final (essential) option
Two mothers discuss the benefits and side effects of electroconvulsive treatments received by their sons.