Sanja Schreiber

Dr. Sanja Schreiber is a researcher, educator, and clinician. She is an Adjunct Professor of Physical Therapy at the University of Alberta and the Owner/Director of Curvy Spine, a specialized clinic for treating persons with structural spinal disorders and training physiotherapists in scoliosis-specific rehabilitation. With a PhD in Rehabilitation Medicine and MSc and BSc degrees in Sports Medicine and Kinesitherapy, she has conducted postdoctoral work and held senior research positions at the University of Alberta and Alberta Health Services. Dr Schreiber regularly publishes her work in the field of scoliosis rehabilitation on a life span and is frequently invited to speak at international conferences and meetings. She co-authored the SOSORT 2016 Scoliosis Guidelines and has served in leadership roles within international scoliosis societies. Throughout her academic career, she has received numerous research awards. Her primary objective is to raise awareness about scoliosis through education, research, and volunteering. Dr. Schreiber strives to foster alliance among scoliosis practitioners and healthcare to ensure the best possible care for individuals with scoliosis and other spinal disorders.

scoliosis see through back patient sitting
Health Lab
Breaking the curve
A Michigan Medicine expert calls for comprehensive scoliosis awareness and care.