More articles about: Cardiovascular: Diseases & Conditions
Health Lab
Investigating the Immune System’s Connection to Blood Clots
U-M led research is exploring more about blood clots in hopes to discover potential alternative options for blood thinners as treatment.
Man drinking coffee and looking at cell phone
Health Lab
Eating and Tweeting: What Social Media Reveals about Neighborhood Attitudes on Food
Researchers are using Twitter to analyze how we talk about food in our communities to gain insights into public health.
Doctor speaking with colleagues image
Health Lab
Can Kids with Heart Disease Play Sports?
Providers used to be restrictive in allowing pediatric congenital heart disease patients to exercise. Now, experts say that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case.
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Health Lab
‘It Did Live Up to the Hype’: Reflections on ISCHEMIA
ISCHEMIA clinical trial results could change strategy for patients with stable coronary artery disease.
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Health Lab
How Effective is Body Cooling in Patients that Experience Cardiac Arrest?
Michigan Medicine researchers initiate a nationwide clinical trial with hopes of discovering the effectiveness of body cooling on patients who experience a cardiac arrest.
The Bergquist family on a path with autumn trees behind them.
Health Lab
Irregular Heartbeat Unmasks a Serious Cardiac Disease
An irregular heartbeat leads one father, and his family, down a heart diagnosis path they could have never expected.
Health Lab
New Technology Improves Atrial Fibrillation Detection After Stroke
It’s important to determine whether stroke patients also experience atrial fibrillation (Afib). Monitoring technology invented at Michigan Medicine could make the process easier and more accurate.
Health Lab
Standing Up to Surgical Scars
Kristin VanSingel is proud of her scars, the result of several critical heart surgeries since infancy that have kept her alive.
Health Lab
5 Tips to Combat ICD Anxiety
A U-M social worker shares tips to help patients adjust to living with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator.
Health Lab
Should STEMI Patients Recover in the ICU?
Providers need clearer guidance on whether a patient who has suffered a STEMI heart attack should recover in the intensive care unit, a new U-M study finds.
Health Lab
Are Your Pregnancy Symptoms a Sign of Peripartum Cardiomyopathy?
One mother shares her experience with a rare form of heart failure and the importance of knowing when to advocate for yourself.
Health Lab
TAVR Leads to ‘Beginning of a New Life’
Learn how this septuagenarian went from planning her funeral to dancing at her wedding, thanks to a procedure known as transcatheter aortic valve replacement, or TAVR.
Health Lab
Registry Helps Move Aortic Dissection Care Forward
Diagnosis, treatments and outcomes for acute aortic dissection have evolved. An international registry reveals trends and the power of data.
Health Lab
Do's and Don’ts for Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Patients
Take simple steps during and after aortic surgery to help stay healthy and minimize the risk of complications.
Health Lab
More Than One-Third of Patients Risk Major Bleeding By Doubling Up on Blood Thinners
A new study finds patients were taking too many antithrombotics for no reason, leading to a significant increase in bleeding events.