More articles about: Cardiovascular: Diseases & Conditions
Barber cutting boys hair
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A new heart brings new hope
Sethan Wilder’s cardiovascular issues began early in life and continued for many years until a heart transplant was his only option.
supar molecular receptor shapes squiggles
Health Lab
Immune marker suPAR high in patients with heart failure, predicts risk and death
The ability to predict risk was even greater when combined with traditional measures of cardiac stress such as BNP.
man couch blood pressure
Health Lab
High blood pressure speeds up mental decline, but does not fully explain dementia disparities
High blood pressure means faster slide into signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s, but does not explain the overall disparity between Hispanic/Latino people and non-Hispanic people in dementia risk.
woman holding groceries in bag
Health Lab
Rate of food insecurity skyrockets for Americans with cardiovascular disease, study finds
Study finds diet is the greatest contributor to death from cardiovascular disease.
woman sitting blood pressure
Health Lab
More older adults should be checking blood pressure at home
Only around half of those who have hypertension or conditions linked to blood pressure regularly monitor, but health care providers’ recommendations increase older adults’ monitoring at home.
Hand pouring aspirin pills into hand
Health Lab
Stopping aspirin when on a blood thinner lowers risk of bleeding, study finds
Talk to your doctor about whether taking aspirin can do you more harm than good.
Man leaning against tree by road grabbing his chest
Health Lab
Death rate for torn aorta drops, still 5 times more deadly without surgery
The study finds nearly 96% of patients deemed eligible for surgery survive in the first 48 hours.
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Health Lab
Heart-assisting implants save lives, but Black and female patients don’t get them as often
Providers’ differential decision-making must be addressed to equalize chance of survival for heart failure patients, researchers say.
seflie with mom and two kids
Health Lab
Telemedicine visit identifies rare condition in young pregnant woman
After the diagnosis, Cristina Bashans was carefully monitored for a potentially life-threatening aortic aneurysm.
Couple standing by RV smiling
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Intuition and expertise lead to heart surgery at the right time
One woman’s bicuspid valve was replaced, and aortic aneurysm repaired, after a period of doctor-led “watchful waiting.”
Child heart pump map behind of America in blue
Health Lab
Reducing stroke risk in children with severe heart failure
Hospitals across the country are teaming up to improve outcomes in kids who need mechanical heart pumps for congenital heart disease or heart failure.
heart arteries veins pulse pink line across
Health Lab
7 common Afib triggers that may surprise you
An expert weighs in on what to avoid to prevent an atrial fibrillation episode.
mother baby toddler chair outside
Health Lab
Unique team gives mom and babies a fighting chance
Complicated heart issues put one woman at high risk for pregnancy, but a team of skilled doctors helped her give birth to two healthy children.
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Health Lab
New guidelines overhaul best practices for heart failure prevention, diagnosis and treatment
Updated heart failure management guidelines add recommendations for the use of SGLT inhibitors and for managing patients with cancer therapy-related cardiotoxicity.
Finger touching heart on foggy window
Health Lab
Winter and aortic dissection: Are you at risk?
With winter in full swing, a cardiologist explains why some are at high risk of aortic dissection.