More articles about: Cardiovascular: Diseases & Conditions
Blue hearts connected from top on light blue background
Health Lab
The Many Triggers of Broken Heart Syndrome
Stress-induced cardiomyopathy can be caused by a variety of stressors, and some of them may surprise you.
Doctors trying to unclot a clogged artery
Health Lab
Subset of COVID-19 Patients Have Increased Bleeding Risk
A new potential biomarker raises concerns over the current standard for treating COVID-19 induced blood clots with high dose blood thinners.
bacteria viruses drawn in blue ink on lined paper with yellow badge with words "lab note" in blue
Health Lab
Is it Safe to Perform CPR During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
A new study analyzes the potential transmission risk of airborne respiratory pathogens during bystander-initiated cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR.
Stethscope and pills
Health Lab
Study: Treatable Cause of High Blood Pressure Often Ignored
People whose blood pressure is hard to control might have another condition that’s the real culprit. So why aren’t they being tested for primary aldosteronism?
purple background medical bag on left and yellow blocks on right with hand reaching down
Health Lab
Societal Determinants of Health Drive Serious Diabetes Complications
Lowering blood sugar levels and shedding weight can help combat diabetes complications, but researchers say this “one size fit all” approach ignores other risk factors.
Women cheers with champagne glass
Health Lab
Octogenarian Finds Hope with MitraClip Procedure
Local woman, whose mitral valve disease was worsening, plans her 90th birthday celebration thanks to a minimally invasive option.
doctor and patient standing together holding the drawing
Health Lab
Surgery Team Keeps Fighting to Save Veteran
No one thought John Canning could survive his ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm until this cardiovascular team stepped up to save his life.
red blood vessel with purple clot and antivodies floating inside
Health Lab
New Cause of COVID-19 Blood Clots Identified
A new study reveals the COVID-19 virus triggers production of autoantibodies circulating through the blood, causing blood coagulation and clots in people hospitalized with the disease.
pregnant woman holding stomach on couch in pain
Health Lab
Tied to Undiagnosed Aortic Disease, Aortic Dissection in Pregnancy Proves Difficult to Predict
The 100th report out of the International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection details the experiences of 29 women who faced this rare life-threatening complication while pregnant.
Carol fly fishing on the Maple River.
Health Lab
“It’s Important to See the Patient as a Person”
When a retired nurse unexpectedly found herself as the patient in the emergency department, personally connecting with her care team made all the difference – even if they are college football rivals.
blood pressure dial with green yellow and red with mouse
Health Lab
High Blood Pressure Linked to Baroreflex in Rats
Animal model observation may reveal new cause of hypertension.
illustration of two people standing over patient with heart on monitor and green COVID germs floating around
Health Lab
Cardiac Arrest, Poor Survival Rates Common in Sickest Patients with COVID-19
Study shows critically ill patients with the novel coronavirus have high rates of cardiac arrest and poor outcomes even after CPR, an effect most strongly seen in older patients.
microscope in lab
Health Lab
Genetic Study Uncovers Mutation Associated with Fibromuscular Dysplasia
Researchers report first clinically actionable findings for a rare blood vessel disease in a study of four unrelated families, all with the same genetic variant.
Young women holding her chest near heart
Health Lab
Uncovering the Genetics Behind Heart Attacks That Surprise Young, Healthy Women
New genetic research finds spontaneous coronary artery dissection, or SCAD, heart attacks may be more similar to different diseases than to other heart attacks.
white heart over navy blue hospital with red background
Health Lab
Why Timely Referrals Are Vital for Heart Failure Patients
Doctors caution that successful outcomes could depend on how early patients are referred to a specialist for advanced therapies.