More articles about: Children's Health
kid in pain
Health Lab
When to worry about your child’s tummy aches
Tummy aches are common among kids, with one in six parents in a national poll saying their child experiences them at least once a month, but not all parents seek professional advice when belly pain becomes a regular occurrence. An expert explains four ways parents can manage and respond.
hospital bed
Health Lab
Transgender people more likely to be admitted when seeking emergency care
Research suggests transgender and nonbinary people are significantly more likely than cisgender peers to be admitted following a visit the emergency department.
Health Lab
Low food security associated with metabolic syndrome among reproductive aged Hispanic population
: Low food security associated with metabolic syndrome among reproductive aged Hispanic population a study suggests.
bone yellow blue
Health Lab
Excess physical activity can cause strain in young feet
New research from Michigan Medicine shows that excessive physical activity during summer sports can lead to weakened tendons and bones in children. It is crucial to balance activity with rest to prevent injury.
Mott patient using iPad during hospital stay
News Release
Nearly every child at U-M Health C.S. Mott Children Hospital gains access to iPads at bedside thanks to $240K grant
Children who need dialysis, treatment for a chronic condition or an overnight stay at University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital now have a new coping tool available.
man turning head left and right at two strollers, with one more expensive than the other with price tags on them both purple pink blue coloring
Health Lab
4 steps to take before using pre-owned children's equipment
Here are four steps to take if you're considering buying used baby and kid gear, such as strollers, cribs and/or highchairs.
dancing in pink pants black shirt
Health Lab
Dancing again
After a car accident that left one teenager with multiple injuries, surgeons helped her get back to her passion of dancing.
Health Lab
Coworker turned friend turned surrogate
A Michigan Medicine nursing coworker becomes her new friend, and colleagues, surrogate.
pregnant person holding stomach yellow blue
Health Lab
Researchers overcome major barrier in artificial placenta research
Michigan Medicine researchers spearhead an innovative strategy allowing an artificial circuit to safely support premature sheep without anticoagulation, overcoming a major barrier in artificial placenta research.
girl looking with medical employee
Health Lab
Adolescents, young adults with advanced heart disease show desire to take active role in medical care decisions
New research from U-M shows that adolescents, young adults with advanced heart disease want to take an active role in making medical care decisions alongside their doctors and caregivers. The study sheds light on the importance of including young patients in medical decision-making and the benefits it has on their psychological well-being.
person pregnant with clock spinning over them in yellow purple background person in red pants pink shortsleeve shirt
Health Lab
Labor induction doesn’t always reduce caesarean birth risk or improve outcomes for term pregnancies
A new study suggests that inducing labor at 39 weeks for low-risk pregnancies may not reduce the risk of C-sections or improve outcomes.
mother with baby over shoulder
Health Lab
Same-day heart diagnosis helps 1-year-old get immediate treatment
Unique collaboration at Michigan Medicine helps 1-year-old with serious heart condition see a specialist right away and receive immediate treatment.
map of the united states rate of life threatening childbirth complications by state
Health Lab
Life-threatening birth experiences among Medicaid enrollees vary widely by state and race-ethnicity
Research finds life-threatening birth experiences among Medicaid enrollees vary widely by state and race-ethnicity.
vaping hand
Health Lab
Would you know if your kid was vaping?
Nearly half of parents in a national poll felt confident they’d know if their child used e-cigarettes. An expert offers four steps to identify and address vaping at home
toddler laying on bed in hospital
Health Lab
Family support helps baby and parents navigate heart failure and transplant
Mariana Lizcano was in heart failure before she turned a year old. Support from her family and care team were crucial to her ability to undergo a heart transplant and recover smoothly.