More articles about: Coagulation Disorders
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Reducing dose of popular blood thinners may limit risk of future bleeding
For people taking the popular blood thinners rivaroxaban (brand name Xarelto) and apixaban (brand name Eliquis), after having a blood clot, a reduced dose may limit the future risk of bleeding as well as hospital visits, a Michigan Medicine-led study suggests.
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Risk of clots, stroke from incorrect blood thinner dosing reduced using online dashboard
Doctors and pharmacists treating people with blood thinners can now reduce the rate of inappropriate dosing — as well as blood clots and strokes that can result from it — using an electronic patient management system.
person at counter with medicine brown bottle and pills
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Most blood thinner dosing problems happen after initial prescription
More than two-thirds of those people take a type of blood thinner called a direct oral anticoagulant. These DOACs, such as rivaroxaban (brand name Xarelto) and apixaban (brand name Eliquis), are under- or over-prescribed in up to one in eight patents. These prescribing issues can have life-threatening consequences, and they most often occur after a provider writes the initial prescription, according to a study led by Michigan Medicine.
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Health Lab
Popular blood thinner associated with higher risk of bleeding complications
In a study of the three most commonly prescribed blood thinners, the oral anticoagulant rivaroxaban, known by the brand name Xarelto, was associated with a significantly higher risk of bleeding complications than apixaban (brand name Eliquis) and warfarin for patients with blood clots or atrial fibrillation.
drawing of pills in blue ink with lab note written on bottom right in yellow and navy blue
Health Lab
Two Blood Thinners at Once: More Risk with the Same Reward
For some patients, adding aspirin to a direct oral anticoagulant rarely adds up, a new study finds.
Janssen and johnson&Johnson building with windows and blue sky with white clouds
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What You Should Know About the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen Vaccine Pause
The Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine has been paused. What a blood clotting specialist wants you to know.
Image of a blood clot
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Helping Patients with COVID-19 Avoid Blood Clots
COVID-related blood clots are a serious risk. Vascular experts continue to refine the best approaches to avoid dangerous thrombosis associated with coronavirus disease.
red blood vessel with purple clot and antivodies floating inside
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New Cause of COVID-19 Blood Clots Identified
A new study reveals the COVID-19 virus triggers production of autoantibodies circulating through the blood, causing blood coagulation and clots in people hospitalized with the disease.
Blood tests for inherited thrombophilia
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Study: Common Blood Clotting Test Has Few Benefits, Wastes Money
Testing for inherited thrombophilia is unnecessary. See why patients won't benefit from inherited thrombophilia testing regardless of if they have had a VTE.
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Can Cancer Cause Blood Clots?
University of Michigan researchers have developed a new model to study cancer-associated thrombosis and are getting preliminary data for future research.