More articles about: Food Allergy
Health Lab Podcast in brackets with a background with a dark blue translucent layers over cells
Health Lab Podcast
Tips for Hosting Allergy-Safe Holidays
Precautions are crucial — even lifesaving — when feeding guests with dietary restrictions. Simple strategies can help avoid issues at the dinner table.
Health Lab
Hosting guests with food allergies: 6 tips for a safe meal
Food allergies can be life threatening. To prepare for big family gatherings around eating, a patient's mother shares her kid's story and a Michigan Medicine food allergy expert provides simple advice for hosts to follow.
brown tick on leaf
Health Lab
Tick-borne red meat allergy prevented in mice through nanoparticle treatment
Nanoparticles delivered intravenously in mice can block the allergic reactions to red meat caused by the bite of the lone star tick, research shows.
food photo
Health Lab
Nanoparticles reprogram mouse immune systems to cope with allergens
Two doses of allergen-encapsulating nanoparticles delivered intravenously prevented anaphylaxis during a food allergy test in mice, according to new research.
white bowls with allergens in each one
Health Lab
Measuring skin water loss predicts anaphylaxis during food allergy tests
Measuring skin water loss during food allergy tests may help predict anaphylaxis and keep patients safe. The method aims to detect the life threatening reaction before epinephrine injections are necessary
microneedle patch white and silver needle patch
Health Lab
Microneedle approach to address peanut allergy shows promise in mice
Promising results in animal studies suggest novel immunotherapy paired with new microneedle technology could provide a more reliable therapy option for people who are allergic to peanuts.
woman reacting to allergies outside with Kleenex behind bush with hat on
Health Lab
Uncovering Key Molecule that Drives Production of Cells Critical to Allergic Reactions
Researchers discover protein that regulates the gene expression for influential immune cells, paving a path for novel targets to treat inflammatory and allergic diseases.
Orange pumpkin bag of candy with kids reaching inside
Health Lab
Tips for Making Halloween Disability-Friendly
Michigan Medicine experts provide tips on how to best navigate the Halloween holiday for children with disabilities.
photo of Andrew Ayala
Health Lab
First Oral Immunotherapy for Peanut Allergy Gets Closer to FDA Vote
An 11-year-old boy’s enrollment in a U-M clinical trial for peanut allergy treatment suggests graduated doses of peanut protein powder could help protect allergic children.
Health Lab
Study: Vaccine Suppresses Peanut Allergies in Mice
U-M researchers aim to develop a new immunotherapy that could alter the immune reactions to food. The result: extended relief from peanut allergies.
Health Lab
Successful Clinical Trial for Peanut Allergy Treatment Spreads Hope
The results suggest that supervised doses of peanut protein powder, increased over time, could help protect against the consequences of accidental allergen exposure.
Health Lab
What Parents Need to Know About 'Peter Rabbit' and Food Allergies
Food allergy advocates and physicians explain the outrage over the food allergy scene in Peter Rabbit, and the damaging effects caused by food allergy humor in media.
Health Lab
Play Dates and Food Allergies: What Parents (and Hosts) Need to Know
Key tips to navigating children’s food allergies and intolerances when hosting playdates and other social engagements.
 See NIAIDs recommendations on how to prevent peanut allergies in babies. Learn more about peanut allergy prevention & how to introduce peanuts to your baby.
Health Lab
The Do’s and Don’ts of Preventing Peanut Allergies in Babies
See NIAIDs recommendations on how to prevent peanut allergies in babies. Learn more about peanut allergy prevention & how to introduce peanuts to your baby.
The cost of food allergies and EpiPens
Health Lab
The Broader Lessons of the EpiPen Debacle
Mylan took advantage of the US pharmaceutical industry to raise EpiPen costs and maximize profits. See the issues Mylan's epinephrine auto-injector surfaced.