More articles about: Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital
artistically drawn woman drawn and floating in background in purples in red sweating and feeling different symptoms
Health Lab
Dealing with perimenopause? 7 things to know
Perimenopause is like puberty in reverse; easy for some and difficult for others. But why the difference? A reproductive endocrinologist explains.
Pregnant woman holding her stomach looking down, surrounded by blue spirals
Health Lab
Depression, anxiety may be linked to c-section risk among pregnant women
Study sheds light on relationship between perinatal mood and anxiety disorders and first time cesarian delivery among pregnant women.
Women sitting on toilet holding stomach and a roll of toilet paper
Health Lab
Leaky bladder? The problem might be in your head
Research suggests that, for many women, a simple change in thinking could dramatically improve bladder control.
pregnant woman getting vaccine with doctor with masks on
Health Lab
New prenatal care guidelines emerge from COVID
For the first time in almost a century, experts release new pregnancy care recommendations that focus on tailoring care to individual patients.
Emma smiles while standing in front of a colorful work of abstract art
Michigan Answers
Emma’s Michigan Answer: Surviving ovarian cancer and finding a new outlook on life
After surviving ovarian cancer at age 26, Emma found healing through a lifelong passion for art and an adventurousness to try new things she might not have before.
Gymnast performing at events in three photos
Health Lab
Balancing life and medicine
How three former gymnasts apply lessons learned to their medical careers.
Dr. Lori Isom looking into a microscope
Michigan Answers
Amber’s Michigan Answer: A breakthrough clinical trial to help her become a mom
After being diagnosed with Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Amber was determined to fight many challenges and become a mother.
Women holding newborn in rocking chair
Health Lab
COVID vaccine reduces risk of severe illness in pregnant women, protects newborns
New research shows pregnant people who are vaccinated against COVID-19 are passing on that protection to their newborns, providing babies some immunity to Sars-CoV-2 before they enter the world.
woman thinking of pregnancy experts in thought bubbles
Health Lab
OB-GYN, family physician, midwife, doula: Which pregnancy specialist is right for you?
Three experts explain what you need to know before choosing your prenatal provider.
Childbirth cost csection baby rising
Health Lab
1 in 6 families in new study spent more than $5,000 to have a baby
Out-of-pocket spending for maternal and newborn hospitalizations among privately insured families can exceed $10,000 if babies require neonatal intensive care.
pregnant mother wearing a mask indoors looking at her belly
Health Lab
Researchers predict COVID baby boom
Study suggests the pandemic initially slowed down conception rates but anticipate a baby surge this summer. 
graphic of woman sitting in waiting room in extreme pain holding stomach next to another patient with doctor holding paper in front
Health Lab
Tens of Thousands of Women Turn to the Emergency Room for Fibroid Symptoms
Study suggests that many women using emergency care for fibroids may be better served in alternative health care settings.
woman sitting on toilet
Health Lab
Splinting is the Latest Trend to Help Eliminate Constipation
TikTok helped vaginal splinting go viral. A doctors explains how this simple constipation relief method works, and when you may need to see a doctor.
Health Lab
Mother Knows Best
Doctors, midwives and nurses share what they like best about being a mom, what it means to help women become mothers and top advice they share with new parents.
Health Lab
Toddler with Spina Bifida Meets Paralympian: “She has crutches like me”
Young patient’s reaction to commercial featuring gold medalist and double amputee Jessica Long goes viral, leads to Zoom introduction.