More articles about: Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital
Health Lab
Study: Rise in Meth and Opioid Use During Pregnancy
Usage rates among moms-to-be have spiked in the past decade, with a disparate boost among pregnant women who live in rural counties.
Health Lab
Busting ‘Big Baby’ Myths: An OB-GYN Eases Fears with Facts
A Michigan Medicine OB-GYN busts some of the biggest myths about the causes of macrosomic babies, including what does and doesn't cause a big baby.
Health Lab
A Gynecologist Answers 5 Common Questions About Menopause
Get answers to your biggest questions about menopause, including what menopause is, when menopause starts and information on symptoms and treatments.
Health Lab
OSU-Michigan Rivalry Put Aside to Save Twin Babies in Trouble
When a rare complication was revealed during pregnancy, a highly specialized fetal procedure at U-M was the only answer for this Buckeye family.