Showing 1756-1770 of 5459 results
Health Lab
Preclinical research allows for a more efficient analysis of heart conditions.
Health Lab
First-year medical residents, called interns, still face a high rate of depression but duty hour reductions in GME and better access to mental health care may have reduced their risk in the last decade.
Michael Wang, M.D., Ph.D., a neurologist at the University of Michigan, is leading the field in CADASIL research. He studies the disease from many angles, like how mutant NOTCH3 leads to cellular injury; identifying NOTCH3’s protein partners; and determining how these related proteins are regulated.
Health Lab
Blood transfusions were the only thing that helped Connor Burke cope with the fatigue of his chemotherapy. Now, amid a national blood shortage, he’s encouraging more people to donate blood
Health Lab
A pre-clinical study explores the role of hormones in the COVID-19 vascular damage that’s generally worse in men than in women.
Health Lab
A third of children and adolescents who underwent a complex procedure for a severe congenital heart condition were identified as frail.
Health Lab
Researchers look at whether the type of surgical shunt used in newborns with complex heart disease makes a difference by the time they’re adolescents.
Health Lab
Rigorous surface cleaning needed to reduce chance of spread to unvaccinated and vaccinated-but-vulnerable patients, staff and visitors
Health Lab
Women who are doctors and parents made more changes and experienced greater depression and anxiety during the pandemic than men who are physician-parents.
Michigan Answers
For Merrick and Mychal, the news that they’d be having fraternal girls with an expected delivery date of Christmas Day 2020 made the news even more exciting. But, to everyone's surprise, that delivery came early.
Health Lab
An endocrinologist discusses the history of the life-saving drug and its importance in diabetes management.
Health Lab
A multi-center study found that breast cancer patients experienced less pain and skin irritation when a more complex form of treatment planning was used for radiation.
Health Lab
A new study suggests that talking with children during TV time may help stimulate overall curiosity and aid in early childhood development.
Michigan Surgery Sessions
If we want our health care systems to be patient-centered, we need a workforce that reflects the patient population. If we want an inclusive, equitable and diverse workplace, we need to be intentional about how we get there.
Michigan Answers Podcast
Jenny Radesky, M.D. joins us to help sort through myths and facts associated with the most searched questions about autism.