Showing 5326-5340 of 5443 results
Health Lab
To Find Inner Peace, Play This Podcast
U-M audio series of 12 meditation podcasts that use breathing & visualization exercises to achieve relief for those facing illness or stress.
Health Lab
Syrian Hospital Bombing Highlights Plight of Medical Teams in Conflict Zones
As violence has unfolded at hospitals in Aleppo, University of Michigan researchers call for an international stance against violations of medical neutrality.
Health Lab
New Study Emphasizes Harm of Vaccine Refusals
Parents who delay or skip childhood vaccinations even when kids have no medical reasons are contributing to U.S. outbreaks of measles and whooping cough.
Health Lab
Can Nutritional Supplements Impact Genetic Hearing Loss in Children?
A University of Michigan study found that supplements helped reduce hearing loss in mice with the genetic mutation commonly responsible for childhood deafness.
Health Lab
Should You Lift That Item After Surgery?
It's common for doctors to instruct patients to not left more than 10 pounds after a surgery. Here are a few common things that might exceed those restrictions.
Health Lab
Are Schools Prepared to Save Lives?
A University of Michigan study shows that all participating schools had one or more AEDs, but the level of training and anticipated response times varied.
Health Lab
6 Causes of Neuropathy — and How to Manage the Condition
Learn more about the second most common neurological condition, neuropathy. Here's a list of neuropathy symptoms and the six main causes of neuropathy.
Health Lab
7 Ways to Support a Friend with a New Cancer Diagnosis
Helping a friend through a cancer diagnosis can be difficult. Tips for showing support include being flexible and offering help. Learn more support strategies.
Health Lab
Why Men Should Take Note of Lymphedema
Men are just as likely as women to develop lymphedema after cancer surgery. Here’s what guys need to know about lymphedema diagnosis and treatment.
Health Lab
To Fight Cancer, Put These Foods on Your Plate
Cancer fighting foods contain phytochemicals and antioxidants like vitamins A and selenium. Here is a list of healthy foods that can help prevent cancer.
Health Lab
Do You Really Need to Eat Organic?
Studies suggest organic foods are no more nutritious than inorganic foods and have no added benefit in fighting cancer. Learn more about organic vs non-organic.
Health Lab
Taking an At-Home Genetics Test? You Might Still Want to See a Counselor
University of Michigan genetic counselor explains the new wave of at-home genetic tests and the importance of reviewing those tests results with a professional.
Health Lab
Studying Stretch Marks from Beneath the Skin
U-M researcher explains why stretch mark creams and products touted to remove stretch marks aren’t effective. Learn more about stretch marks during pregnancy.
Health Lab
Artificial Placenta Holds Promise for Extremely Premature Infants
Researchers at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital are testing an artificial placenta that could be used to help premature infants avoid disability or death.
Health Lab
Testimony: High Drug Prices Have ‘Enormous Human Cost’
A University of Michigan physician testified before lawmakers on the pharmaceutical company Valeant’s practice of raising prices on specialized niche drugs.