Realistic Plans for Sustainable Change
Power Meetings help teams form concrete work plans for sustainable change through video vignettes, sample workflows, and manageable action steps.
The unique structure of the Power Meeting helps interdisciplinary health care teams form concrete, realistic plans for sustainable practice change. Throughout the guided meeting, your team will have the opportunity to watch video vignettes from peer providers, learn about sample workflows and strategies, and select manageable action steps. At the end of your training, you will have produced a concise work plan that ensures accountability and success.
To access the Integrated Behavioral Health or LARC Access Power Meeting, select the related card in the section just below.
To learn about how Power Meetings work and for preparation instructions, see the Prepare for Power Meetings section.
The unique structure of the Power Meeting helps interdisciplinary teams form concrete, realistic plans for sustainable practice change. The online module will guide your team through learning about sample workflows and strategies, selecting manageable action steps, and developing a concise work plan that ensures accountability and success. Videos from providers are integrated throughout to provide real-world context.
You’ll want to block a two-hour meeting to make sure you have ample time for discussion, planning, and module review at the end. The length of the meeting time will also depend on how many practice changes you want to research and implement.
To plan for all aspects, you’ll need people who can make decisions about purchasing, scheduling, patient care, and other workflow changes, as well as staff and provider training. This team likely includes a practice manager, a medical assistant, a medical provider, and an administrator. We recommend a minimum of three people and a maximum of seven. Whoever is coordinating the project for your site should skim through the module ahead of time to get a feel for how it operates. This should also help you determine which team members you want to include in the actual Power Meeting. The module will start from the beginning each time you reopen it.
Either will work. If it’s in-person, it’s best to use a projector and speakers so the module is visible and audible to all. If it’s virtual, one person will need to share their screen with video sound enabled.
We ask that your team provide feedback on your experience in exchange for access to this module without cost. Please complete the survey at the end as a team immediately following the completion of the module. Thank you for helping us pilot this resource! It will be valuable as we continue to make improvements.