teen girl and boy look at their phones
Adolescent Health Initiative Videos

Hear directly from teens, parents/caregivers, and providers about improving the health care experience for adolescents. We encourage you to use these videos for training.

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Browse Our Video Gallery

Drawing a Picture: Adolescent-Centered Medical Homes

Explore many of the ways health centers can ensure that their space is youth-friendly.

Health Experts, Meet Teen Experts

Hear directly from teens on their priorities for their health care.

Teen Self-Advocacy: How to be your own health care advocate

Share ways teens can advocate for themselves to get the quality health care they deserve.

Out of the Exam Room: Helping Your Teen Navigate Healthcare

Listen to caregiver, teen, and provider perspectives on preparing adolescents for a lifetime of investing in their own health.

Take the First Step… Out of the Exam Room (extended): Helping Your Teen Navigate Healthcare

Hear in-depth stories from caregivers about empowering teens to be their own health advocates.

Voices of Transgender Adolescents in Healthcare

Learn from transgender and gender non-conforming youth as they share their health care experiences and ways the system can be improved.

Voices of Human Trafficking Survivors and Other Experts

Hear from survivors of human trafficking and the experts who work with them about how health care professionals can best support young people who are being trafficked.

What Matters to You(th)?Perspectives on Health Care Experiences

Encourage young people to reflect on what’s important to them when accessing health care. Accompanying youth-led assessment tool and facilitator guide available.

Voices of Youth: Substance Use Vignettes

Learn from youth as they share perspectives on adolescent substance use in this collection of vignettes; with attribution to AHI, the clips can be used for training purposes.