Adolescent Sexual Health for Behavioral Health Clinicians
Teen boy speaks with provider at table

Set a Supportive Space

Behavioral health providers have the opportunity to set an affirming, supportive atmosphere for adolescents to discuss the the topic of adolescent sexual health in a safe, confidential space. 

Youth-friendly sexual and mental health care are two of adolescents’ biggest priorities in their overall health care. AHI’s youth council members report feeling like their therapists often aren’t comfortable talking about sexual health, including relationships, sexuality, and gender identity. Timely Topics: Adolescent Sexual Health for Behavioral Health Clinicians was developed in partnership with AHI’s Teen Advisory Council and clinicians, and it is intended to assist behavioral health care providers in navigating strengths-based, youth-friendly sexual health-related conversations with adolescent and young adult clients.

CONTENT WARNING: This module broadly discusses trauma and sexual violence. Depending on your personal experience, some of the content may be emotional and challenging.

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